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Using a Touch Phone


CALM zone (UK) - 0800 58 58 58 & Webchat

Samaritans (UK) - 116 123

Beyond Blue (Australia) - 1300 224 636​

Lifeline (USA & Australia) - 13 11 14

Trevor Project (USA) - 866 488 7386

Kiran (India) - 1800 599 0019

iCall (India) - +91 22 255 21111

The CVV (Brazil) -  55 11 315 14109

Samaritans (Singapore) - 1800 221 4444

Crisis Line (South Africa) - 0800 567 567
Crisis Services (Canada) - 1 833 456 4566

Samaritans (New Zealand) - 0800 726 666

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